
Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas For 2024

2023 is winding down, which means you need to get your blogging hat on for 2024! Planning and getting a good content schedule outline is an easy way to stay ahead of the pack. You need to understand what you’re writing about throughout the year so you’re never in a situation with writer’s block. 

Today, we’re focusing on blog post ideas for 2024 relating to a specific blogging niche. If you run a lifestyle blog in any shape or form, this post will give you all the ideas needed to create amazing blog content. 

To make things easier to digest, we’ve listed lifestyle blog post ideas for every month in 2024. You’ll get a few ideas to make relevant posts for each month – but before we do that, let’s talk about evergreen blog posts. You may have heard of them before and they’re extremely interesting when it comes to growing your blog and making it remain relevant. 

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Evergreen Blog Posts Explained

An evergreen blog post is a post that continues to be SEO-friendly and relevant. People can read it whenever they like and all of the information is applicable. Listicles are the most common form of evergreen content; you make a list of the top x things and can alter the title slightly or make a few tweaks to the list. 

Top tips articles are also highly good at remaining relevant years after they were first introduced. Basically, you want to try and make lifestyle content that isn’t focused on a very specific thing that could change at any moment. Shy away from trends, avoid statistical analysis and stick to topics that will always be searched for. 

Why is evergreen content beneficial? Because you can go back and rename articles to give them a fresh chance of seeing more traffic. One simple example is to have a top x list for 2023 and swap the year for 2024. So, all of the lifestyle bloggers reading this should look back at old content and see how it can be repurposed for the new year! 

After doing this, you can add a few new blog posts that will keep generating traffic for years to come. 

Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas For 2024 By Month

The trick to coming up with lifestyle blog post ideas is to make them tackle popular topics without being too focused on trends. It’s a tough balance to have, but how about we cut you a deal? 

We’ll provide blog post ideas for 2024 focusing on evergreen content. These posts will remain popular and barely require any updates. You’ll have more than enough ideas for at least 4 blog posts per month, or one a week – probably more. Then, you can make your own lifestyle blog ideas based more on trends. 

This way, you get the best of both worlds; you capture trend traffic while having posts that constantly bring in readers. 

Sound good? Let’s get started…

January Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

We’re not going to tell you what to write for each blog post idea; you’ll only get the titles. Feel free to tweak them as you please. For January, the focus is more on new beginnings and organisation: 

  • Top X Lifestyle Changes To Kickstart 2024
  • X Home Cleaning Hacks For A Tidy Inner Sanctum
  • How To Stay Motivated When Dealing With The Blues
  • Time For A Home Detox: Steps To Clear Out Your Clutter
  • X Healthy Habits You Should Follow Every Day

February Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

As we move into February, the focus shifts away from new beginnings and getting through the January Blues to Valentine’s Day. Remember, evergreen content shouldn’t really focus on specific holidays, so you need ideas that touch on the theme of love but can be useful any time of the year: 

  • The Most Romantic Date Night Ideas For 2024
  • X Simple Ways To Spend More Time With Your Loved Ones 
  • X Tips To Decorate Your Home For A Special Date Night
  • Why Everyone Needs To Learn To Love Themselves in 2024
  • X Delicious Recipe Ideas For A Romantic Dinner Date

March Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

We’re almost a quarter of the way through the year and it’s our first season change. The great winter chill begins to thaw, paving the way for springtime and new beginnings. Our lifestyle blog post ideas will therefore revolve around the general topic of spring: 

  • X Spring Cleaning Secrets To Keep Your Home Tidy All Year Round
  • This Easy Home Decluttering Method Will Blow Your Mind!
  • Top X Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products To Buy in 2024
  • The Complete Vacuum Cleaner Buyer’s Guide For 2024
  • X Stunning UK National Parks For Walking Escapades

April Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

By the time April rolls around we’re still in the swing of spring, but Easter comes flying at us. How do lifestyle bloggers write about Easter without explicitly making the content about the holiday? We’ve got some ideas below: 

  • X Fun Ways To Make Chocolate Treats With The Kids At Home
  • Flower Arranging 101: How To Make Your Garden Pop With Colour
  • Healthy Alternatives To Chocolate For Your Mid-Morning Snack
  • Top X Rainy Day Activities For Kids 2024 
  • Juggling Your Work-Life Balance When The Kids Are Home

May Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

The temperature starts heating up and May signals the early signs of summer approaching. Your blog post ideas for 2024 should centre around things to do outdoors or home decor tips. 

  • X Easy Ways To Get More Natural Light In Your Home
  • The Perfect Indoor Flowers For All Seasons
  • Top X Gardening Tips For An Evergreen Lawn
  • How To Encourage Your Family To Unplug And Spend More Time In Nature
  • Best Farmers Markets To Explore In The UK (2024 Edition)

June Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

June signals the start of summer, so people are more inclined to search for things to do outside. This opens the door to many lifestyle blog post ideas: 

  • X Family Holiday Ideas For Some Fun In The Sun
  • Top X UK Campsites To Visit in 2024
  • Low-Maintenance Plants To Add To Your Garden
  • Follow This Garden Maintenance Routine To Prevent Weeds
  • The Top X Independent Bikini Brands To Buy From in 2024

July Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

Again, July carries on the summer theme but kicks it up a notch. Lifestyle bloggers should try to capture traffic from people planning holidays or looking for help with heat-related issues: 

  • UK Staycation Ideas: Uncovering Some Hidden Gems!
  • X Essential Skincare Tips For Sun Protection
  • Rating The Most Popular Suncream Brands (Honest Reviews!)
  • How To Soothe Sunburn: X Easy Steps
  • X Different Ways To Wear Your Favourite Maxi Dress

August Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

August signals the winding down of the summer season, meaning many of your readers are thinking about going back to university or possibly their kids going back to school. We want the theme to still hold onto summer, but give a nod to these things too: 

  • Buying A BBQ: Best Home Barbecues For 2024
  • The Best Beaches In The World To Add To Your Bucket List
  • Top X European Destinations For A Sunny Holiday in 2024
  • The Best Backpacks For Storing Heavy Books In
  • How To Embrace Your Own Style While At University

September Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

Lifestyle blog post ideas for September start to introduce more autumnal themes without being too season-specific. You can also mix in more topics about starting new school years or graduating and finding a job: 

  • X Orange & Brown Outfit Ideas
  • Reviewing The Best Home Candles For All Seasons
  • Top X Raincoats That Are Stylish & Waterproof
  • Overcoming The Nerves On Your First Day Of Work
  • Rainy Day Hair Care: What To Do When You Get Caught In A Downpour

October Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

October is widely known as spooky season. Halloween is the dominating theme here, along with the usual autumnal trends. The cool thing is, it’s easy to come up with lifestyle blog post ideas related to these topics that are relevant throughout the year as well: 

  • Best Horror Movies To Watch On Netflix (Updated For 2024)
  • X Fun Costume Ideas For Your Next Party
  • Comfort Food: X Delicious Meals To Cook At Home 
  • X Ways To Wear A Puffer Jacket
  • Best Vegan-Friendly Chunky Boots To Buy in 2024

November Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

The days get shorter and the nights get longer. November brings the return of cold weather and a host of winter-oriented blog post ideas: 

  • X Gorgeous Fireplace Ideas For Your Home
  • Follow This Skincare Routine To Prevent Dry Skin
  • How To Make The Ultimate Mug Of Hot Chocolate
  • Top X Heated Blankets For 2024
  • Pro Tips To Find The Best Fashion Sales Online

December Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

Finally, we end the year with December. Obviously, you’ll have a lot of Christmas blogs going up at this point, but here are some more generic posts that match the month but will be SEO-friendly for any time of year: 

  • Gift Buying Guide: What To Buy The Person With Everything
  • X Foodie Gifts For Friends & Family
  • Best Budget Gifts For Under £20
  • X Common Skin Problems Caused By Having Your Radiators On
  • The Foolproof Guide To Perfectly Crispy Roast Potatoes

And there you go; a full list of lifestyle blog ideas for 2024. We’ve tried to cover a range of topics and sub-categories within the lifestyle niche. There should be something for all lifestyle bloggers, helping you get ahead in the new year.