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We love giving people options. That’s why, every Tuesday, we will post an urgent campaign to our Twitter including pitches from vetted and exclusive brands for paid blogging opportunities. You can choose which campaigns you want to work on, all you need to do is reply to be considered! Talk with the brands directly and get paid per post.

The only rule, is that there is no rule

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How Much Does Amazon Affiliate Program Pay? (+Cost Breakdown Per Niche!)


Are you looking for the best ways to make money from your blog? The Amazon Associates Program is one of the most popular ways for … Read more

Affiliate Programs for Travel Bloggers


Many people consider starting a travel blog for no other reason than to share stories about their adventures with others. Born with a natural wanderlust, … Read more

20 Free Font Pairings For Bloggers


For any blogger, what you have to say and the words you use to say it are the most important things about what you do. … Read more

Best Social Media Scheduling Tools For Influencers


As an influencer, one of the worst things people can say to you is ‘What do you do all day?’ There’s an assumption that influencers … Read more

8 Podcasts For Entrepreneurial Women


As an entrepreneur or content creator, you’re always seeking ways to grow and improve. In 2024, tuning into women in business podcasts can be a … Read more

How To Find Bloggers To Promote Your Product


Finding channels you can use to promote your product is always challenging. Most businesses operate in saturated markets, making it harder for them to grow … Read more