Sign up for blogging opportunities, every week.


What is Blogger Tuesday?

What is your favourite day of the week? Friday? Saturday? Wednesday? Take it from us, it is going to be Tuesday very soon! If you are a blogger frustrated that you’re not able to sharpen your (digital) quill enough or looking to connect with the blogging community, we are here to help. 

Blogger Tuesday started out with a very simple goal: connect blogs from all over the globe with brands for paid collaborations. This is why we’re here, for you (and nobody else but you).

It’s all in the name… Blogger Tuesday offers weekly paid blogging opportunities for bloggers. We occasionally run social campaigns, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

How does it work?

The process is simple: once you sign up for Blogger Tuesday, you will receive an email if you match the criteria for our brand partners. This email will contain pitches for exclusive paid blogging opportunities. There will be different stipulations for each blog, including:

  • Expertise or knowledge of a specific niche.
  • Having a particular DA (Domain Authority).
  • A certain number of opportunities (often unlimited) 

This gives you the perfect opportunity to work within a certain framework and operate within your skillset, so you can create killer content that you know all about. For example, if you specialise as a health blogger and you have a DA of 10+, you can sign up for various paid opportunities. Whether the tech is your domain, beauty, fashion, business, or travel, there are opportunities every Tuesday to help you make your mark.

What’s the catch?

We know that bloggers sometimes feel there’s more than meets the eye, and many people who started out as bloggers feel they need to kiss many frogs before they find their proverbial prince. Many bloggers hear the dreaded “you’ll get exposure” remark, which loosely translates as “Pay?.. LOL.” but you’ve worked your butt off to create something that deserves to be seen by as wide an audience as possible, which is why you’re in the business of ensuring that you get what you deserve. 

We’ve been there, and we know exactly how you feel, which is why once you sign up and create the content, you will reap the benefits:

  • No contracts.
  • No cuts taken from your payments.
  • No exclusivity.
  • Opportunities for you, and no one else.

Bloggers deserve to be paid fairly for the work they do. We know that the blogosphere is an industry right now that comes with a whole heap of concern. We won’t mention those two letters that stand for Artificial Intelligence, but what we will say is that you have every right to get the opportunities that you deserve. 

We are not just a provider of blogging opportunities, but we want to support our own. You know social engagement helps boost your blog and build connections. It’s the bread and butter of ensuring that you stay up to date with the latest information (and it doesn’t harm your SEO either!) This is why we want you to make the most of all of your blogging prowess.

We share the love (seriously)

By signing up with Blogger Tuesday, you can connect with a community of over 3,000 bloggers. Beyond the weekly email, you’ve got the chance to promote yourself. You can sign up for collaborations with other bloggers through our X account and can check out our Facebook page for the latest offerings.

We all are in the business of promoting ourselves, but if we took the opportunity to help one another, everyone would benefit. With a variety of blog collaborations on offer, you can edge ever closer to your blogging passions. But we don’t stop there! When you sign up with us, you don’t just get an email every week, but you’ve got access to a whole heap of resources that can help you grow your blog and stay true to yourself. 

Naturally, as we’re called Blogger Tuesday, we’ve got a few blogs flying around as well, so feel free to check them out, see what can help you make the most of your current skills, and get a few more while you’re at it!

The only rule is that there is no rule

Well, there’s one simple rule: all you need to do is sign up for Blogger Tuesday and sit back, wait, and see your email box blossom with the latest and greatest opportunities. All you need to do is put in your preferred contact email. 

Are you ready to start taking advantage of blogging opportunities that will get you paid, promoted, and position yourself as the blogger you want to be? Sign up for Blogger Tuesday and let’s truly get you the opportunities you’ve been looking for all this time. 

Saturday night? Been there, done that. Sunday afternoon? It’s not bad, especially when there’s a few biscuits. Tuesday at 2 pm sharp is where it will be for you from now on. Sign up for Blogger Tuesday and let’s start sharing the love.