What is the best day to post on Instagram?
It’s a question that keeps many influencers and social media personalities awake at night.
Fortunately, this post has some answers
We explore why Friday is likely the best day of the week to post your material to Instagram.
We cover some unique factors that make the last regular workday of the week a must-post and look at some alternatives (if for some reason Fridays don’t work for you! 😁)
So, let’s dive right in and start learning.
Instagram Audience Behavior: How Does It Work?
Knowing why Friday is so popular for Instagram posting requires understanding general user behaviour.
Learning what’s driving people to the platform is essential.
Nowadays, we have mountains of data showing us when people use the service, providing unique insights that aren’t possible outside of digital environments.
Several leading tool developers and marketing agencies such as Buffer, Social Pilot, and Sprout Social, publicise this information and share their analyses.
These show the specific times during the week when posts are most likely to make contact with eyeballs.
Examples include:
- 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays
- 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays
- 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays
- Midnight on Mondays and Sundays
- 7 p.m. on Sunday
- 11 a.m. on Wednesday
- 3 p.m. on Saturday
- 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Tuesday
The number of times when posting is effective is extensive (even sometimes in the middle of the night!)
But, as we will show below, Friday stands out. People go mad on Instagram when they get the “Friday feeling,” usually from 1 p.m. onwards. Engagement is higher on Fridays compared to any other day of the week.
For example, engagement rates are close to 9.5% on Fridays. However, they drop to 9.25% on Mondays, and 8.75% on other weekdays.
Engagement drops even further on Saturday and could be as low as 8% on Sunday.
Because of this, conventional wisdom is that weekdays are best for posting on Instagram. People use the platform less on weekends (although this hinges on your niche and industry).
What about the type of content? Which performs best?
As you might expect, Reels are top performers. These get more than double the reach of images on Instagram.
Carousel-style posts achieve somewhere in between, making them moderately successful.
Therefore, combining Reels with Friday afternoon posting is likely the most effective strategy to gain attention on Instagram. Nothing beats it!
Friday’s Unique Advantage: What Makes It The Best Day To Post On Instagram?
Knowing why people prefer engaging with content on Fridays isn’t clear.
Everyone has their pet theory.
However, you can’t deny the trend. Friday is when Instagram comes alive.
Here are our top reasons why Fridays might be such a great time to post:
- The “Weekend Mindset”
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First, psychology starts shifting on Fridays. People begin to wind down their work and school weeks, looking elsewhere to focus.
Many users move from “work mode” to relaxation. And, for many people, that means firing up Insta and scrolling through their favourite content.
Furthermore, people also have more time. They aren’t rushing around like headless chickens, trying to get projects, reports, and homework done. 🐔
Finally, they have leisure time to enjoy Instagram.
Remember, a lot of workplaces take things easy on Friday afternoons. Many wind down and relax after bossing it Monday to Thursday.
Whatever the driving factor, Friday afternoons aren’t like the other weekdays on Instagram.
- Early Finishes
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Another driving factor on Fridays could be early finishes.
Many people complete their work for the week and start messing around on their smartphones before 5 p.m., whether their bosses let them go or not.
Think about how many times you slacked off on a Friday!
- Peak Social Energy
Another theory is that people reach “peak social energy” on a Friday afternoon. They are more outgoing.
This idea makes sense compared to how the average person feels during the rest of the week.
Most people want to crawl into a hole and forget about the world on Sundays. But on Fridays, that feeling disappears. Users want to get out of the office and paint the town red.
Friday is often when people try to catch up on things they missed online because they were busy during the week.
It can also be when they hop on Instagram to get ideas for what to do at the weekend.
People just want to be around others on Friday afternoons compared to any other time.
- Instagram’s Algorithm
A more technical explanation is that Instagram’s algorithm drives Friday’s popularity. Meta deliberately juices posts to make them last throughout the weekend, or so the theory goes.
You can see why the network would want to do this. Even if creators are less active at the weekend, it needs to provide residual users with content they can consume.
Friday’s spike could also result from the sheer influx of likes and comments driving the algorithm. Instagram may accidentally promote more to audiences on Fridays because as many people are creating interesting new content on the platform.
- Fun Friday Content
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Fun Friday-related content could also be driving Instagram engagement on this day. In other words, the creators themselves could be responsible.
Why? Because creators are likely to post uplifting, funny, or viral content on Fridays.
Friday has more of a party vibe that encourages influencers to be more creative and put out their best work. Then, users respond by going to Instagram in higher numbers.
- Routine-Syncing
Global habits could also be driving Friday’s popularity through “routine syncing.”
The higher engagement on Fridays might simply reflect the global spirit of Friday as “the party day.”
Most cultures globally celebrate Friday as the end of the working week. Historically, Friday was a time to relax, connect with others and engage socially.
Therefore, Instagram engagement peaks on Friday afternoon could simply reflect a digital version of something that has been going on for centuries.
People want to hop online after work to talk to others and see what’s happening in the social world.
Of course, time zones also play a role. Friday afternoons on Instagram coincide with evenings and nights in places like Europe and India with large user populations.
- Dopamine Addiction
Even dopamine addiction could be playing a role.
Going on Instagram on Fridays could be a psychological reward after a long week at work.
This makes sense when you think about it. People work hard Monday to Thursday and then start treating themselves on Fridays. This pattern is true of take-out food and going to bars. So, why wouldn’t it be the case for social media, too?
Finally, Instagram might be more popular on Fridays because of FOMO (fear of missing out).
Gen Z and Millennials are famous for their FOMO, and they also happen to be Instagram’s biggest users.
Why FOMO on Fridays? Because creators often post their best, most viral, most-talked-about content. They want to get their audiences pumped for the weekend.
What Are The Business And Marketing Benefits Of Posting On Fridays?
Given that the best time to post on Instagram is Friday afternoon, what are the business benefits of getting the timing right?
More Engagement
First, you get more engagement.
Whether you are a creator or working with brands, this matters.
The more engagement you can get, the higher the fees you can charge.
As discussed, audiences are more available on Fridays. People wind down and prepare for the weekend in the afternoon, often hopping on Instagram.
Furthermore, online conversation booms on Fridays. People are more likely to respond to polls, interact with businesses, or comment on posts.
More Sales
Second, posting on Friday could lead to more sales (directly for your merch, or indirectly for brands/affiliates).
Many people go into a “shopping mindset” on Fridays, looking for sales, discounts, and coupons. Consumers want advice on what to buy and how to spend the money they just earned.
Promotions and deals can do especially well on Fridays. People are looking for bargains.
That’s why smart brands combine needs with urgency. They highlight what users might want to buy on weekends.
Better Visibility
Marketing on Friday could also better align with the Instagram algorithm. Posting at this time of the week could lead to more impressions and clicks.
Users are more active on Fridays, so catching them at the right moment could boost sales.
Posting at 3 p.m. and using this momentum to carry any marketing messages through until Monday can work well.
Stronger Brand Connection
Another benefit of posting on Friday is a stronger brand connection. When people feel good, they are more likely to associate that sensation with brands.
Coca-Cola is a master at doing this as the Christmas holidays approach. It knows people are winding down and preparing for a long, relaxing, enjoyable break.
The weekend is a miniature version of this for Instagram creators. People are looking for feel-good brands to explore.
More Feedback
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Another benefit of posting on Fridays is the greater feedback opportunities. You can leverage more data to see what works.
For example, you could:
- Test engagement patterns on Fridays to see which type of content works best to promote brands (e.g. funny instead of informational pieces)
- Use data to refine your content strategies
- Look for ways to enhance your call-to-action (CTA) impact, including adding CTAs to your Reels and Carousels
- Using urgency and other marketing techniques to encourage impulse decision-making
Pre-Weekend Buzz
Finally, marketing on Fridays is ideal because of the sheer pre-weekend buzz. Instagram sees a spike in traffic as people get out of work.
Knowing this, you could use sentiment to drive people to branded events or stores. You could also preempt competitors, catching attention before others do.
Timing The Instagram Algorithm
By now, the fact that Fridays are the best day for posting on Instagram (whether for commercial reasons or otherwise) should be clear.
But don’t be rigid.
While Friday is a great time to post, other days can also work.
The trick is to calculate what works best for you as a creator (or brand).
This process requires experimentation. While Fridays are great for most companies, they might not be so effective for you.
Remember, while data suggest the best timing (depending on who collected it and when), they aren’t always consistent. For example, Buffer is more bullish on Friday posting than, say, Sprout Social.
Therefore, always research the latest information. Consumer behaviour can (and does) change.
So, knowing this, how can you time the Instagram algorithm?
Step 1: Learn About Your Audience
Start by learning as much as possible about your audience (the people you serve). Knowing when they are online and engaged is critical.
Instagram Business and Creator account owners can get some of this information from their dashboards by going to Insights > Audience > Most Active Times to learn more.
Ensure you get data on your audience’s time zones as it can tell you when they are likely to be online.
For example, suppose your audience is Indian. Waiting until Friday afternoons in the U.S. to post doesn’t make much sense because that would be the middle of the night in the subcontinent.
Step 2: Experiment With Post Timing
Next, start experimenting with timing. See if you notice differences in engagement if you post at specific times of day.
For example, you could start by posting on Friday afternoons, gather data, and then repost on Monday afternoons. Switching could improve content performance over time as you work out what works best for your audience.
Sometimes, you may discover that less-used itineraries work best for you. For example, you could:
- Take advantage of mornings as someone in the fitness or meditation space
- Use the midnight spike in user activity for news or daily information
- Use evening hours for clubs or socialising
Usually, you won’t know what works best for you unless another creator is doing something similar to you. Because of this, experimentation is critical.
Try to figure out the best day to post on Instagram and then work out the timings. Keep experimenting for several weeks until you figure out the best approach for you.
Step 3: Use Instagram Algorithmic Triggers
As you learn timings, ensure you construct posts to trigger Instagram’s algorithm. The more you can “front load” excitement about your post, the better.
Most creators aim for early engagement. They try to maximise the fuss about posts in the first 30 to 60 minutes after they are posted.
If you want, you can push this along by using proven CTAs or getting users to click polls.
You can also encourage users to share (another factor Instagram will take into account when displaying organic content).
But don’t be robotic.
If you think your audience is scrolling NOW (for whatever reason), take advantage of it.
For example, if news related to your industry just dropped, then post about it. Don’t wait until your usual time as you may miss the boat.
Step 4: Schedule Stories And Reels
Also, consider carefully when you schedule your Stories and Reels. Post format could impact when you publish.
For example, many people view Stories throughout the day, so posting early in the morning makes sense. (Here, you provide the content upfront and allow users to consume it at leisure).
Reels do better outside of working hours. As such, you can wait until the working day ends (which coincides with the after-work engagement boom).
Step 5: Get Into A Weekly Pattern
Getting into a weekly pattern can also help drive engagement with your posts. Over time people learn when you post and begin to expect content.
This expectation can be self-fulfilling. The more you post at a specific time of day, the more likely people will see your posts, and then wait for you to do the same the next day.
You don’t always know which approach will work best, so, again, you should experiment. But once you have something you think will work, apply it consistently for a few weeks. Sometimes, you find it builds on itself.
Step 6: Use Automated Scheduling
Once you have your timings nailed down, consider automating scheduling next. Apps eliminate the need to sit around all day for the clock to tick over to your preferred schedule.
Popular options include:
- Later
- Meta Business Suite
- Hootsuite
These allow you to play with your schedule (and track results). You can see when timing is working best, and when you should rethink your strategy.
Step 7: Monitor Your Results
Don’t assume you will get your timings right the first time around. Keep experimenting with them over several months or years (as something you do in the background).
If you notice weekly engagement dropping (without changing content quality), ask if timing is the reason.
Try adjusting your strategy to see if you perform better.
Be wary of whether Friday is the best day to post. It could be a great time in general, but not for your niche if your rivals also post their best stuff on this day.
If in doubt, use A/B testing on content timing. See if you can post images, carousels, and Reels at different times with similar content to see which generates the most traction.
Step 8: Post Consistently
Finally, as with all social media sites, post consistently. 🤓
Constantly posting takes the variability out of the timing discovery process.
Post at the same time every day to collect data. Then, try a different time once you feel you have enough and see if there is a difference in performance.
Keep cycling until you learn what you need to know.
Getting the timing right the first time is usually a matter of luck. Don’t rely on it!
So, What Is The Best Overall Time to Post on Instagram?
This post discussed the best day to post on Instagram. But what about the best time? What does the data show?
Naturally, timing depends on the audience. Some creators differ from others.
Fitness And Wellness Creators
Fitness and wellness creators usually post early, from 6 am to 9 am.
That’s because people check Instagram at this time of day for morning workouts or daily routine advice.
Sometimes, fitness and wellness influencers also post in the evenings. Again, these are helpful for busy people who work in the mornings.
Weekend mornings are particularly popular. Users have more time during these hours than on weekdays (8 a.m. until 10 p.m.).
Food Bloggers And Chefs
Food bloggers and chefs get the most traction over lunchtime, usually 11 am until 1 pm as people look for food ideas and recipes.
Many people want quick meals during these hours.
Weekends are popular for the same reason, but foodies and cocktail creators usually have more freedom over when they post. Audiences often have more time on Saturdays and Sundays, so content can be more elaborate.
When you think about it, this setup makes sense and reflects TV shows. Midday chef programs focus on “15-Minute Meals” while those at the weekend take a leisurely approach.
Travel Creators
Travel creators targeting those planning vacations and adventures usually post mid-morning. Many people browse travel locations while on breaks at work.
However, evenings can also work. Tourists will often browse Instagram for travel ideas when they finish their other duties, say, after 7 p.m.
Beauty and Skincare Creators
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Beauty and skincare creators targeting makeup and product fans usually post at the following times:
- Sundays because people have more time to learn new tips and go through tutorials
- Weekday evenings to coincide with elaborate “PM” skincare routines
- Mornings for helping people with beauty ideas to start their day
Workshop-style content is best for weekends while “quick tips” can work well during the week.
Posting content on Fridays can help skincare creators because it can encourage product purchases as the weekend approaches. However, it depends on whether you work with brands.
Fashion Creators
The timings for fashion creators are quite different (and not what you might expect).
Most fashionista creators on Instagram post on Fridays and Saturdays. These coincide with peak times for promoting weekend wear and sales.
During the week, posting occurs between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. as shoppers browse for outfit inspiration during lunch. Fresh posts can encourage them to click on your content.
Gaming Creators
For gaming creators, the story is different again.
Most only begin posting late afternoon, from 3 pm until 5 pm because gamers wake up around lunchtime.
The bulk of content arrives from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m., which is peak gaming hours. However, posting through the night can also work, especially around new game launches.
Weekends are also high-engagement periods for gaming creators. Gamers work low-wage jobs during the week to fund gaming habits at the weekend (which can continue all through Friday and Saturday nights.
Tech Creators
Timing for tech creators often aligns with news cycles (since people associate them).
Therefore, consider posting:
- Between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the morning
- Monday to Friday for B2B or tech professional-related content
Pet And Animal Creators
Finally, pet and animal creators usually do their best by posting in the morning. Many people on Instagram want to start their day with wholesome, pet-related content.
Weekends are also an excellent time to post as a pet creator since so many pet owners enjoy funny animal videos when they have spare time on Saturdays and Sundays.
Now You Know The Best Time To Post On Instagram Reels
Reading this post, you should now know the best time to post on Instagram Reels.
Friday is the best day of the week overall, but:
- You should post on days that work best for your niche
- You should time your posts to when your audience will be on the platform
- You should test to see which times and days of the week work best for you