
2023 Blog Ideas To Make This Your Best Blogging Year Yet

Want to take your blog to new heights in 2023? Take a look at our blog ideas to help you meet your new year blogging goals. 

A new year brings with it a fresh set of goals for your blog. Whether you’re looking to increase your readership, earn more money or simply dedicate more time to your blog, 2023 could just be your best year yet.

But as any blogger knows, whether you’re new to the game, or you’ve been blogging for a while, it’s not always easy to think of new ideas. That’s why we’ve put together this handy list of blogging ideas to help you make the most of your blog in 2023.

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1. Your 2023 goals and ambitions

No matter what type of blog you run – from a business blog to a subject you’re passionate about, it’s important to have goals. Goals help give your blog a purpose and help you keep on track with posts and content – something that can help you increase your views and help you develop your own online community.

A post outlining your ambitions for 2023 is a great way to start the year, helping to get your readers excited about your upcoming content while helping to give you some motivation too.

2. A life update

The festive period can be a busy time for a lot of people, so it’s easy for some things to fall by the wayside. From exercise to watching soaps and even reading blogs, some regular habits can get forgotten about towards the end of the year. But, the new year is when people pick up their old habits again, ready to catch up with their favourite bloggers and see what they’ve been up to.

With that in mind, a life update could be just what you and your readers need to get reacquainted and to help them catch up on what’s been happening in recent months. 

3. Your picks of the week

It’s good to have a regular feature on your blog. It can help you stay consistent, and give your readers something to look out for each week. One simple but effective idea for a regular feature is to share your picks of the week. This can be a great way to share affiliate links, build up your SEO and highlight interesting content you’ve come across that week.

A weekly ‘picks’ can be an excellent regular feature, and one you can work on throughout the week to help you put your post together easily.

4. Lists of some of your favourites

Building on the previous idea, a list of some of your favourites is another easy but interesting post that your readers are sure to enjoy. People love a list, and a list of some of your favourite bloggers, TV series, recipes, fashion icons – whatever your niche is, could be a simple way to share some content. 

List posts can make some excellent filler content for when you’re short on ideas. It’s also a good way for you to embed some external media to make the content more enjoyable for your readers.

5. FAQs

As a blogger, you’ve got an interest or expertise in a topic that can provide a lot of useful information to others. Compiling an FAQs post can be a creative way to bring together some of the most common questions asked by your followers so that you can share the answers.

What’s great about an FAQ post is that it can be updated regularly, helping you to keep the post current for new and existing followers.

6. Your blogging journey

Your blogging journey is an easy blog topic that can provide a lot of inspiration for both your new and existing readers. You can explain to your readers how you got started in blogging, what your highlights have been as well as any low points.

Sharing your blogging journey could help someone else find success with their blog, while also helping them learn more about you and even discover some of your past content.

7. Your blogging tips

Sharing your blogging tips can be an excellent blog post for your blog. Not only will it help you share your own tips and tricks, but it can give you a chance to look at what works and which techniques are the most successful for your blog.

Your blogging tips could prove very useful to someone who wants to develop or grow their own blog. It can also be a good way to appeal to a more general audience and potentially bring some new followers to your blog. 

8. Share what you’re looking forward to in 2023

There’s a lot to get excited about in the new year, so why not share what you’re excited about with your followers? Whether it’s some exciting new releases, a trip you’re taking or some personal developments, this can be a fun post to put out at the beginning of the year.

The last few years have been difficult for everyone, so with a new year comes some fresh hope and enthusiasm. By sharing what you’re excited about, you could help other people get excited about the year ahead, too.

9. Start a giveaway

If you want to drive some traffic to your blog, and across your social media channels, then a competition is an effective way to do it. A giveaway is always a popular way to drive engagement, especially if the prize is a valuable one.

Set a budget for your giveaway that’s reasonable for you and what you want to achieve. A big giveaway could help you increase your following, helping you secure more collaborations and generate an income online – but you need to be realistic to avoid being left out of pocket. Ensure that some of the rules for your giveaway include a mandatory follow and some engagement on your post to help drive your organic reach to build your following even further.

10. Invite some guest bloggers to write some posts for your blog

There are a lot of great reasons to invite guest bloggers to post on your blog:

  • You can help grow each other’s readership.
  • Backlinks to their blog are good for your Domain Authority and your SEO.
  • Helps raise awareness of your blog.
  • Brings a new perspective to your niche.
  • Helps you develop online connections and relationships. 
  • Brings knowledge and insight to a topic that’s different to your own.

By inviting another blogger to write a blog for you, you could create some excellent content for your blog and become a part of the wider community for your niche.

11. Share your hacks

Hacks make for fun and useful content for your readers. People love a hack! So whether it’s for cooking, cleaning, home improvement, or fashion – your readers will lap it up. 

Your hacks could be shared in list form, as videos, or even tutorials. If you post content on other platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, you can also reproduce the content in video format to gain further engagement. Hacks are also a popular topic on Pinterest, so you should make sure you promote your posts on Pinterest to encourage more readers to visit your site.

12. Write a review

Reviews are a popular type of content for blogs. No matter what your niche is, there’s always something related to review. Reviews are ideal for sharing your personal views on a product, service or experience, and they can be incredibly useful for your followers. 

As you develop relationships with your readers, they trust your opinion in the same way they would a friend or relative. By sharing your views and recommendations, you can help your readers make decisions and benefit from the first-hand knowledge of someone they trust. Reviews can make a regular feature for your blog, helping you create a stream of regular content that will interest your readers.

Reviews are also beneficial for SEO purposes, so if you write your content well, you could find your review among the top hits on search engines for a particular product or service.

13. Post an interview

Interviews make for interesting content, and can be a fantastic way to engage your readers while cementing your blog as a destination for information about a topic or subject. 

Drafting an interview is also a great way to flex your writing skills, giving you a different type of content to work with that your readers might enjoy.

14. Introduce yourself

Your blog is your personal space to share ideas and views. Over time, readers will come to know your writing style and personality, learning more about you with every post. A post to introduce yourself is a wonderful way to connect with your readers and help you find out a little more about yourself.

While you might have written a post like this when you first started blogging, a lot might have changed since then. A refresh keeps things up-to-date, and it can help any new readers get to know you better too.

15. Share your bucket list

Everyone has a bucket list – a list of things they want to do before they graduate, get married, turn 30 or other milestones in life. This could involve travel, reaching a goal – whatever ambitions are on your list. 

A bucket list can be a fun way to inspire others, while also helping you think about some of your life goals. It can be a good way to start a discussion too by inviting your readers to share some of the things on your bucket list.

16. Write a tutorial

Blogs can be entertaining to read, but they can also be informative. Blogs were one of the original sources for tutorials, helping people create recipes, makeup looks and more. A tutorial on your niche subject can make great content for your blog, helping you bring in images, videos, graphics and more to create a post that offers your readers a lot of value 

Tutorials can be a regular feature for your blog, and you can invite your readers to provide suggestions of things they’d like to see tutorials of.

17. Post seasonal content

It’s good to keep your blog current. While there are plenty of evergreen ideas you can incorporate into your blog, having something a little more topical can be especially interesting to your readers. Some key points of the year you can tie into your blog include:

  • Valentine’s Day
  • International Women’s Day
  • Easter
  • Bank holidays
  • Summer Holidays
  • School half-terms
  • Halloween
  • Christmas
  • New Year
  • Sports events
  • TV events
  • And others. 

Tying a blog to a specific time of year or event is a great way to create some interest for your readers, while benefiting from the topics that people will be searching for online at the time.

18. Write some beginner’s guides

Beginner’s guides are amazing for readers with short attention spans. They provide an introduction to a topic, help you provide advice and guidance, and can be a lot of fun for you to write. 

Think about the topics in your niche that people will want to know the most about to give you a great place to start with your beginner’s guides.

19. Share personal updates

When you develop an online presence, people become interested in more than just the topic you’re posting about – they want to know more about you too. This is why personal updates make excellent content, helping people learn more about you and keep up to date on your life.

Your personal updates can spin off to create other content too. Pay attention to the comments and questions on your posts to help you create further posts, like the FAQ posts mentioned earlier.

20. Create shopping guides

The internet is one big marketplace. While it’s possible to find anything and everything online, navigating through the volume of choices is tough. Providing shopping guides can be a useful way for you to share recommendations with readers and help give them ideas on products to buy. Using affiliate links can help you make money too, making shopping guides an easy way to generate some passive income from your blog. 

And there you have it! With some new blog ideas to get you started, you’ve got fresh motivation to make 2023 the best year yet for your blog.